Monday, December 12, 2011

Back and it not able to go again for ages :(

Hey all,

Just got back from our trip to Anaheim and Vegas last week and loved every minute of it. Car was dying so put it up for sale (and sold) while we were away. Bought a new car which has set me back $20g%26#39;s (which was hoping to win in vegas- no such luck, did win $277 tho) so as its looking unless I can live on a shoestring doesn%26#39;t look like will be able to go back for a looooooong time...

Back to work tomorrow and all depressed now with no trip to look forward to...

Back and it not able to go again for ages :(

You seriously thought you would win $20,000????

Back and it not able to go again for ages :(

Course not :) But in the back of my mind was hoping it might happen :\

think postive. start saving your money again even if it takes you all year!

I was depressed, too, when we got home to the wicked winter of upstate New York. But I do find comfort from reading these trip reports and reliving the joy of Vegas like that. Makes me ';almost'; feel like we%26#39;re there!

I also feel your pain...Mr. Ducky and I are worried about our jobs due to the economy and feel lucky we haven%26#39;t either one been laid off (or worse) yet, so we don%26#39;t think it%26#39;s appropriate to being planning any trips right now. Sooooooo there%26#39;s a MEGA party being planned for June and a good friend celebrates her 50th in Vegas early July, and we can%26#39;t plan for either. sigh

Just stay here on the forum, because it isn%26#39;t the same as planning a trip but at least gives you a feel for being there :)

Ducky, it sure is a lot cheaper to stay home and dream!

Travelover: I am glad you were not serious...I am sure there are people out there who believe this to be a real possibility. is a very remote possibility I guess! And depends on what you want to sink into it.If you have $20,000 to blow you might make it back!

My expectation is to come home broke...if I win, all the better!

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