Monday, December 12, 2011

Best place to get classic cocktails in Las Vegas?

When I say classic cocktail I mean old school-the exact opposite of a cosmopolitan or a cranberry vodka. Im talking about the kind of drink that is usually whiskey or gin based and is made by mixing a bunch of different types of liquors and is usually almost all liquor (they often use ingredients like bitters or compari, etc.).

Any ideas of a where some good classic cocktail places in vegas would be?

Best place to get classic cocktails in Las Vegas?

The good thing is that classic cocktails and the methods to make them are making a resurgence at the moment. The bad news is that LV is slow to catch on and the majority of cocktails in Vegas are all about volume and colour rather than mixology.

To get REALLY good classic cocktails I think you need to go one of two ways in Vegas. Option 1 is visit places which just have not changed since %26#39;classic%26#39; cocktails were last in fashion... Hugos, Peppermill, Piero%26#39;s etc.... The 2 option is to go to some of the new wave bars that have gone back to the roots of cocktail making (Punches, Sours, Slings, Cobblers, Shrubs, Toddies, Flips) such as Noir Bar, Boa or Stir Lounge.

For what it is worth here are my fav 4 classic cocktails that I%26#39;ve had in Vegas:

Frankie%26#39;s Tiki Room - Mai Tai

SW Steakhouse - Old Fashioned

Mix - Classic Martini

Fontana Bar - Peach Bellini

Hope I haven%26#39;t bored you too much!

Best place to get classic cocktails in Las Vegas?

did you like tikis room and was it worth the taxi over there?

Frankie%26#39;s Tiki Room is all time and definitely worth the taxi trip. You%26#39;ll save money in paying $8 for a drink rather than $14 at somewhere like Trader Vic%26#39;s.

There are a couple of members of the forum who know far more about Tiki drinks than someone like me and they seem to rank Frankie%26#39;s very highly. The Zombie at Frankie%26#39;s is one of the best hangover cures I have every had :)

My favorite is a Jack Daniels Manhattan Straight Up. I haven%26#39;t had much trouble getting this made right at most places.


I%26#39;ll definitely check a couple of those places out

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