Monday, December 12, 2011


Saw this on and was wondering if anyone knows what the status of this project is?


do you doubt the info on vegastodayandtomorrow? they usually have good info and pictures. did you check the fountainbleau website or do an internet search?


If I could find the info on that site I wouldn%26#39;t be asking. I didn%26#39;t see any dates etc. Anyone have a useful reply? I%26#39;m the first to admit I%26#39;m not the best when it comes to searching for this info which is another reason I asked about it.

';...I didn%26#39;t see any dates etc...';

from the website you referenced ';...with a planned opening in fall of 2009...';. I doubt anyone here has any more useful info than the excellent website you origianlly found this on - go back and read it again if needed, it is quite good, and a website many here would tell you to go to for this type of info if you didn%26#39;t already know about it.

it%26#39;s easy to do an inter net search, many aren%26#39;t great at it I know, sometimes it can be confusing. try ';fountainbleau las vegas'; and you will get the official website. pretty useful tool.

I%26#39;ve looked at this site a few times and after following your advice looked again to see the fall 2009 opening. Too funny, besides being a lousy searcher I%26#39;m also a skimmer don%26#39;t know how I kept missing it :)

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