Monday, December 12, 2011

Warm enough for t-shirts/shorts??

Hi! We%26#39;re going to Vegas on March 7th. Will it be warm enough for summer clothes?

Or should we bring jeans/sweatshirts? We%26#39;re in CT, so we%26#39;re looking forward to the warmer weather considering we%26#39;re getting 10 inches of snow tomorrow night.


Warm enough for t-shirts/shorts??

Definitely. I got a sunburn in Vegas last week. It was a little breezy at night but downright warm during the days.

Warm enough for t-shirts/shorts??

There is no way to answer that question this far in advance. The temps in March can really change quickly from one week (or even a few days) to another. I don%26#39;t think weather forecasts are that accurate one week or more in advance. Right now they are predicting a high of 61 and a low of 39 for the 7th. On the 8th- high/68 and low/43. 9th-high/72 and low/42. But that can all change by the time you are ready to leave on the 7th(or even when you are there). You are going to have to check a weather site just before leaving but it is always best to bring some clothes that can be layered so you will be prepared for any kind of weather.

I would pack a few extra warm clothes just in case. Last year we came out in May thinking it would be just as warm as every year--80ish. Weather forecast was 70-80 but 2 days into our week long trip the temp dropped to mid 40%26#39;s with wind and I wore jeans and a sweaters the rest of the trip.

Best bet is to check the forecast on or, then finalize your packing, but still plan for warmer/cooler.

We were in Las Vegas last year March 2-8 and the forecast (which was quite accurate) predicted chilly, increasingly warmer every day. However, temps, that time of year, drop dramatically when the sun sets, and breezes (winds) require additional outerwear. And, it was overcooled inside, just about everywhere, regardless of the outdoor weather. Even when it was sunny/warm, this was only for a few hours in the afternoon.

If your flights include connections (or not), be prepared for weather delays/cancellations!

Last March, our flight from LAS was delayed several hours and barely missed being cancelled, and our connecting flight, the last flight of the day, was ultimately cancelled. Next available flight was Tuesday (reschedule from Saturday), so we ended up renting a car and driving the rest of the way (from Newark to NH). We were, we thought, ';fortunate'; to get through to Continental on the phone and find this out. All the hotels in the area were booked solid, so we would have been some even more upset if we spent the night at the dreadful Newark airport only to learn that we couldn%26#39;t get on a flight home the next day. Our bags were a whole other story!

Good luck!

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