Saturday, March 27, 2010

Club recomendations for this weekend

We are going to Vegas this weekend and I am looking for some club recommendations? We really like Moon and are planning on going again but I am looking for some other clubs similiar to it that play the same type of music. We are looking for a place to dance not just a bar. Some clubs we are considering are XS, Tryst, Prive, Pure, Body English. Any opinions would be appreciated.

Club recomendations for this weekend

Check out for a fairly comprehensive review site.

Check out and for guestlists (though it has been pretty thin lately)

Try and honestly don%26#39;t know if these are worth your time, but they claim to be able to get you into clubs w/o waiting and w/o paying cover, and they say they expect nothing in return...I figure if you are thinking of hitting clubs, they are worth checking out.

Have fun!

Club recomendations for this weekend

I have a good friend who hosts at tryst. pm me if you want his info

We%26#39;re in the same boat! 10 ladies in Vegas for a bachelorette party...looking to party this wknd at XS, and the others you mentioned.

What club is best to go to on a Thursday night? We%26#39;re in our late 20%26#39;s and want to dance as well!


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