Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Wife Panicked And Now We're Committed.

My wife and I had talked about going to the AARP convention being held in Las Vegas in October. Last week I had looked it up and got a list of the speakers, but the performers at the concerts hadn%26#39;t been announced yet.

Saturday night we are in our den using our respective computers, when my wife exclaimes ';All the old people are going to Las Vegas!'; ';What'; I say.

';I went into the AARP sight to check on concert tickets and it took me 6 tries to find decent seats. All the old people are snapping up the tickets! The inner circle is all gone and so is the 1st section. So I had to ask fast. So here are our seats.'; And she hands me a print-out.

';What do you mean you had to act fast---it%26#39;s 8 months away?';

';They were getting all the good seats. They probably were all waiting for tickets to go on sale and then were snapping them up.';

So now we have tickets for both Thursday and Friday night concerts. So I guess we are committed. We%26#39;re going to Las Vegas in October.

And I haven%26#39;t even booked our May trip yet, lol.

My Wife Panicked And Now We're Committed.

lol, sounds like my wife when Cher tickets used to go on sale....

Wife%26#39;s cousin went to one in Boston and said they have lots of big time stars at those events...

Now get working on May!

My Wife Panicked And Now We're Committed.

';but the performers at the concerts hadn%26#39;t been announced yet';

I can%26#39;t wait to see what happens when folks learn it%26#39;s going to be Ludiacris and Young Jeezy

Heck, it was the AARP crowd that gave Young Jeezy his name: ';Listen here, you young jeezy!'; husband could sympathasize with you. I do that to him all the time. Just bought our plane tickets for August last night....don%26#39;t want the price to go up or the good times/seats to be gone. It%26#39;s only 5 months soon as show tickets go on sale I%26#39;ll check on them, panic, and have everything paid for 4 months in advance before all the promotions come out.

May! Are you kidding? I%26#39;ve got to start working to find rates for October. Don%26#39;t you just love going to Las Vegas the week of a major convention?

lol they do Pannick not like us men!! Rule no 1 never panick rule no 2 first learn rule no 1...

Wax on Wax off

you people are killing me - i was thinking a quiet riot / motley crue comeback.


Here is the entertainment scheduled:…

Have fun!!


VegasSue: Thank you. They updated the site today and added Friday%26#39;s performers. But not our mystery concert on Thursday yet.

And they added some more speakers. Personally I will be interested in hearing Norman Lear.

You%26#39;re welcome ktinca. I just looked at the site within the past hour. I hope it works out for you.

Good Luck!!


  • living nature
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