Saturday, March 27, 2010

Help! I'm addicted to this site

Been lurking since November. OMG I am going to lose my job if I don%26#39;t learn some restraint. You guys are hilarious =)

Help! I'm addicted to this site

Yes, we do have fun!!!!!!!!

Help! I'm addicted to this site

I agree, it%26#39;s very addicting!

I hear you Lucky. When I am not at work I am on here. Obsessed or what? Some of the replies to some posts are a riot so I look forward to some good hearted laughs.

I did forget to mention all of the valuable information I get here as well.

Beats working doesn%26#39;t it ?

Yup! The only thing is that my eyes are so sore when it is time for beddy byes. LOL

I%26#39;ve learned the art of delegation. Increased delegation = More TA

Well, you need a new job. Or, have the Boys come over and straighten the boss out ; )

Me too!!!

Leaving Wed. and trying to absorb as much info as I can. Did get a great tip on car rental. That southern lady%26#39;s trip review was hilarious. My poor library books are sitting very lonely on my night stand.


Best place to learn Vegas tips and stuff, IMO. Plus the best part for me is that im doin all this on my cell phone:). Ha ha..portable addiction rules!!

  • living nature
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