Thursday, April 8, 2010

Confused about a HET offer

Good afternoon, just a quick question regarding a offer received from HET. One offer received was a gift (electronics, watches apparel etc) that coincided with our dates to Las Vegas. However, the accomodations are for a standard room, but when I look at the room prices for our HET account every room is comped. I then proceeded to contact flamingo and casino marketing rep stated that the offer is only good for the basic room. My question is if other options are available for comped rooms why wouldn%26#39;t we be able to take advantage of a go room and still receive the flamingo gift? Why wouldn%26#39;t the upgraded rooms be applicable with the offer from marketing? When this question was posed, the response was ';I don%26#39;t know';

Confused about a HET offer

Because with HET, you can%26#39;t mix and match offers for the same date. If you want the gift, you must book the room on the offer. And they won%26#39;t let you book another room at the same time if you are taking advantage of an offer already.

Confused about a HET offer

Makes sense I guess, So we will just bypass the free cordless screwdriver and have accomodations in a better hotel room. Dam, now I have to purchase a 15.00 black and decker power tool for the wife

I concur, with you CCA. A comped room is just that a comped room, not an offer. I don%26#39;t understand why a offer is accompanied with a downgrade in accomodations to satisfy the gift

The comped room is an offer. He is getting it comped because of logging in with his HET account. If he didn%26#39;t login with his account number, he would not be getting a comped room would he?

If you contact a host, you might be able to plead your way into both depending on your account history. But I doubt they are going to listen too seriously about someone complaining about something like this, you%26#39;d come off as cheap and not worth their time.....unless of course your account showed you to be worthy of his/her attention.

I find that this is also very silly. Went out for the Superbowl party in February. Also had the offer for the leather coat. I got the coat, but they would not give me a superbowl t-shirt and hat. I booked one night under my name and the Superbowl party with my niece. Just seems silly, if you are out there, give the gift!

cca84, maybe we could all chip in and get your wife the cordless screwdriver. TSA would just take it away at the airport, LOL!

thank you for the replies, however I tend to agree with fl. I am a low diamond card holder, thus rooms are comped to what ever HET property I visit. Therefore why would my room choice be compromised? If I am able to receive a go suite, with or without the ';gift'; this is the level of play that has warranted my accomodations. The gift is a bonus.

YES, mrmarch I would question the marketing representative, and if I look shallow or cheap so be it. There are many other companies that would gladly take my money.

Dammit just got the Menards flyer and the cordless screwdriver is 19.99, sorry honey

We just got back from our trip and the same thing happened to us. The offer was 2 front row tickets to Elton John (and they were front row after all) and 4 nights at the Imperial Palace. Well, I could get any HET hotel comped for the 4 nights if I book it myself, so I called my Host at Caesars Palace and explained it to him. He said the same thing. If I don%26#39;t stay at IP, the deal is off. So I gave my wife the choice of Elton John or nothing. She took it (loves him), and actually we enjoyed the IP so it worked out good. But it seems that if the offer is given, there is a reason for it and they stick to it, according to my host. I was happy the tickets were there when we got there. That was the thing I was worried about the most.

By the way the tickets were worth $600 plus for the pair so it wasn%26#39;t too much of a decision!

DopplerBob - don%26#39;t let gdog know you enjoyed the I.P. - he will consiedr you a low life with no teeth, especially if you%26#39;ve hung around the elevators!!

%26gt;%26gt;DopplerBob - don%26#39;t let gdog know you enjoyed the I.P. - he will consider you a low life with no teeth, especially if you%26#39;ve hung around the elevators!!

LOL! Actually the clientele was lots o fun.. more than we expected. Sorry Gdog

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