Saturday, April 3, 2010

Valley of Fire - Wildlife?

Is there any wildlife that we could encounter while hiking through and around the Valley of Fire? Specifically insect life like spiders or scorpions?

Valley of Fire - Wildlife?

was just there last Monday and only saw little hamster looking things that were %26#39;begging%26#39; for food while we were eating our lunch

Valley of Fire - Wildlife?

During or visit to VOF, we saw several families of Mountain Sheep on the cliffs at the entry sign, several assorted lizards, a Bald Eagle out by the Cabins, and several insects, but no spiders or scorpions.

If you look at the sand closely, you will see all types of ';Critter'; tracks:)

At the Seven Sisters picnic area, we actually got one of those hamsters practically eating bread from our hands.


yes there are scorpions and spiders just stay on the trials and dont reach anywhere you cant see and you will be fine

here is a link to pics of the ground squirrels around the valley

here is the link

We saw a few jack rabbits when we were out hiking.

there has to be some rattlesnakes, roadrunners and gila monsters.

We were there on Wednesday, Feb 25 from 11am-2pm. We mostly drove around, but did walk through some trails. We saw antelope squirrels(look like chipmunks), they were around the area of the ancient rock paintings. The Visitor Center has preserved specimens of area wildlife, including a bighorn sheep, rattlesnakes, scorpions, etc. We saw one small lizard and a beetle on the trail up to Elephant rock. We had never been to a desert before and the scenery is spectacular. I am sure you%26#39;ll enjoy the visit there.

On your way there, you will pass Nellis Air Force Base. Keep an eye to the sky for fighter jets coming and going.

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