Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tickets to shows

What is the best way to buy tickets to shows? I%26#39;ve heard there are 2 for 1 deals. Is there a website to use?

Will be there in April.

Tickets to shows

If it%26#39;s a show you really want to see then you should buy as soon as possible from the show%26#39;s own box office (either online or by calling) to avoid potential disappointment. Here%26#39;s a couple of sites you should check regularly for offers and promotions.

If you don%26#39;t really mind what you see then you can wait until you%26#39;re in Vegas and buy cheap (many at half price) tickets from the discount booths. These are for that night%26#39;s shows only and availability of tickets for the more popular shows on any given day is impossible to predict.

Tickets to shows

You can always try these sites. The shows offered change from time to time so keep looking.

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