Saturday, April 3, 2010

who is going to vegas late april beginning of may.

i will be there from the 27th of april for the Hatton fight,who else is going from this site either for the Hatton fight or just to party,look forward to seeing you all there.cant wait.

who is going to vegas late april beginning of may.

We will be there the 26th through the 1st. Not going to the fight. When is it?

who is going to vegas late april beginning of may.

Pacquiao vs Hatton is at MGM Grand, May 2nd.

fight is 2nd may, i%26#39;m going and probably along with another 15 - 20 thousand english boxings fans as well

I%26#39;m there for the fight.

hi, 4 of us are coming to Vegas from 26th april untill the 6th of may..

we%26#39;re not going for the fight, but we are going for the Supercross, which is also on the 2nd may.

i was there a few years back when the maywheather (SP?) fight was on.. it was alittle busy that saturday night, with an awesome atmosphere around the MGM at around 11pm.

we will be there from the 25th april till 2nd may, not going to see the fight though

We are there 24 April till 8 May. Not going to the fight, but staying 3 nights at the MGM.

That is also Kentucky Derby weekend so Vegas will be busy.

Will be there from 4/29-5/1. Gone before the fight and the derby, whew! Staying at Encore again.

arrive at 10:30 am on the 27th and leave on the 30th. not going for the fight, my husband turns 21

May 1-5, Rio and Encore. Not watching the fight. Too expensive. Rooting for Pacman.

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