Saturday, April 3, 2010

how to redeem multi RFB

I have read many TR reports where the TR member has been offered more then one RFB and they check in to each hotel (but only actually stay at one hotel) to get the free play, food and beverage and show tickets. We have compd rooms for 4 nights and free play with one hotel that we want to stay and continue to receive offers from. We also received from TI $300. free play and 3 nights plus F %26amp; B and limo. The question I have is for anyone who has taken advantage of these multi offers. Specifically (spl?)TI, is the free play given all at one time or is it split over the three days ($300. day one or $100. daily for three days?) Do you have to use the room daily (messing up the bed and towels and leave stuff in the room) so that the hotel does not know you are not actually staying there? I am not sure I am comfortable doing this but I have always wanted to see the rooms at TI and like the casino and would like to get the free play. If any one has done this please let me know the pros and cons and anything else you think I need to know.


how to redeem multi RFB


how to redeem multi RFB

I wouldn%26#39;t worry about making the room look slept in and the free play should be all active at once unless the offer states otherwise. There is an art to doing this, though, when it comes to your gaming action. Unless you want to completely burn TI and don%26#39;t care about repeat offers, you need to still give them decent play. I wouldn%26#39;t do this at all if this is an offer from a host as there is a level of play expected and the casino may take action to reduce their loss.

You didn%26#39;t mention the other hotel but if it is an MGM property, they will block you from double booking.

I don%26#39;t think MGM/Mirage properties let you double book offers for the same dates. You can book back-to-back offers at different hotels (Bellagio 4 nights/Mirage 3 nights for a 7 night vacation) but I don%26#39;t think they will let you book two hotel offers for the same dates. I%26#39;ve always had to cancel my first reservation before I could book another for the same dates. Always BEST to phone and ask.

I personally would not want to waste my time checking in and out of a hotel that I had no intentions of staying at to get free play. Since I usually spend 7-9 days in Vegas, I will stay at 2 or 3 properties for different comp offers. Last year I stayed at NYNY, MGM %26amp; Palazzo, the year before it was Venetian, MGM %26amp; Mirage. Once you have checked in to the hotel and have a room # in the system, you can go to the players desk and have the free play that came with your offer added to your card.

If I had your offer, I would add one or two nights to your trip length and take TI up on their offer and stay there for at least one night (as long as the property that you want to stay at for the bulk of your trip is outside of the MGM group - this should work out nicely).

I understand your challenge as we are facing the same. We are only able to stay 4 nights and have been given up to 4 nights at Venetian/Palazzo, up to 4 at Bellagio, and 2 at Wynn. All three come with free play as well as some food. After much research, we%26#39;ve decided to only do 2 nights at V/P and B. each, as we want to make sure our play matches up to their comps. It is so much easier to justify 2 nights in each instead of 3-4, especially if you want them to pick up the rest of your meal.

They will not give the f/b part without checking into the hotel. Like you, we want to keep the offers coming and not burn any bridges, so we are concentrating our play on those 3. Now if nothing is paying...can%26#39;t promise we%26#39;ll continue to endlessly lose, lol. Hope there is time to play and not just run all over town checking in and out!

I wouldn%26#39;t worry about the room. You will probably go up there some to freshen up and if a tip is left for housekeeping, they don%26#39;t care at all.

Just have fun on your trip!


the casino does not care what you do/don%26#39;t do in the room. They care about one thing - play.

I don%26#39;t think you have RFB from a host - I think you have promo offers including some FB, is this so?

If a host has extended a trip including full RFB don%26#39;t stiff them - they get paid on commisssion - you will not get more offers from that host.

If you have promo offers from casino marketing at 2 properties in the same goup that group may not let you book both offers at the same time. If from 2 different groups and you want to go between one hotel and TI daily in order to give noth play you surely can. Your gambling bankroll and desire for future offers from the properties will determine how much.

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