Thursday, April 1, 2010

valet parking

new to the valet thing. heard it is free in vegas is this true (other than tip of course)

ans is it just used for short term parking or can one drive up valet park and leave it for a 4 day holiday than pick up upon checkout

valet parking

Yes it%26#39;s free other than the tip. No time restrictions, you can leave your car for a few hours or several days.

You don%26#39;t have to be a guest at a hotel to use its valet parking.

valet parking

so my next question would have to be why on earth would anyone self park

some folks don%26#39;t like strangers driving their vehicle, valets have been know to dent and ding, some folks don%26#39;t like to tip. i always valet in LV.

Was curious about this myself. What is an appropriate tip for valet parking? Do you tip when dropping off and picking up, or just one or the other?

Tip when you pick up your car. Some people tip when both dropping off and picking up but it%26#39;s really not necessary to do so.

$2-5 depending upon how generous you%26#39;re feeling.... :-)

Self-parking can be quicker and easier. You never have to wait for the valet when you self-park. One of the best times to self-park is for a show - the valets can be mobbed when they get out.

RE: why would people self park? I really like using valet parking when on vacation and using a rental car, but if I had my own vehicle which has my personal belongings in it, I would hesitate to give the keys to someone else. (and the dent %26amp; ding thing, too)

I find some self-park easier and faster at some hotels. I always self park at the Mirage and TI using the Spring Mountain entrance. It has nothing to do with the money- I am not cheap. You can get those dings if you valet park or self park.

I like to self park, I hate waiting for a car and like to keep to the back roads and avoid the strip driving, most entries are from the strip. I know a lot of people like it but we had a few occasions when we waited a long time for the valets after a show and during busy check out.

The only real bad places for self park are the MGM and Planet Hollywood, rest are pretty easy.

I use self park whenever I can, not because of saving money (tips) nor do I over-worried about stranger in my car (I kept anything personal locked and give ignition key only to valet when I do use them); I used them (strange as it might sound to you folks) because I like to walk as much as possible (health benefits). The same reason why I walk stairs instead of using escalators.

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