Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nightclub Help

We are going to Vegas this weekend and I am looking for some club recommendations? We really like Moon and are planning on going again but I am looking for some other clubs similiar to it that play the same type of music. We are looking for a place to dance not just a bar. Some clubs we are considering are XS, Tryst, Prive, Pure, Body English. Any opinions would be appreciated.

Nightclub Help

reported this one too

Nightclub Help

Why reported? I%26#39;m perusing the website that got deleted now... is it a bad website? Please let me know which ones are legit and which ';vegas club'; websites aren%26#39;t... I feel like some links to websites get deleted and some don%26#39;t...

SoxFan777 This person is a spamer that site is fake dont even try it. TA is well aware of this person and has more than one screen name.

To add he/she has only just joined and post the same link 3 times all the post but 1 have all been removed

thanks. that%26#39;s what i get for having quick fingers! :)

  • living nature
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