Thursday, April 1, 2010

Anyone been to Vegas with Thomas Cook lately from the UK

Your views on the flight and service would be appreciated.

Anyone been to Vegas with Thomas Cook lately from the UK

We%26#39;re going with them in July from Manchester, it is the only direct flight from the north.

As long as it get%26#39;s us there and back in one piece, and isn%26#39;t delayed I will be more than happy.

Coming back I will be sleeping most of the way anyway....

Anyone been to Vegas with Thomas Cook lately from the UK

We are going from Manchester as well disappointed to see the bmi route taken off.

I fly from Newcastle or Teeside to Amsderdam then onto Vegas via Detriot, makes it a little longer but I dont mind, the free drinks on NWA is a nice touch. + it means you dont have to go through customs in Vegas.

i%26#39;d would also like to know about this flight and service. we are flying premium economy from manchester in june. some details would be nice.....

My mate went with them last summer, all in all she said the flight was good however plane could have been bigger as she felt it was a long flight for the size of aircraft. Service was pretty much as expected, however cabin crew could have ben more attentive. In Glasgow we have no direct choice so this was her best option, we opted for BA via LHR and LAX as we don%26#39;t fancy the drive back up after such a longhaul.

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