Thursday, April 1, 2010

The 'Wynn Red Card free buffet' thing...

All, if I%26#39;ve searched and found properly, the posts regarding this are at least a few months old, and I know the deal changes often. I%26#39;d like to ask if anyone knows the CURRENT answers to the following questions:

1 - Whether the promo still exists in any form?

2 - Whether the dollars to points needed are still sensible? (ie. still at around $3 to 1 point rather than $9 to 1 point)

3 - How many points are currently needed for one free buffet? Still 25? And is it just twice this for two free?

4- Is the only deal now accumulating points to get a spin of a wheel with the chance of winning buffets?

Any up-to-date knowledge would be appreciated.


The 'Wynn Red Card free buffet' thing...

I meant still 20, not 25. And, I have also read 250 points, so any info would be great.

The 'Wynn Red Card free buffet' thing...

I was there in December and I think it was 125 points for 2 free buffets. I accumulated about 400 points pretty quickly playing slots. I think I got a free spin on the wheel when I signed up.

Thanks - what (if you don%26#39;t mind me asking) do you think you put in to get your 400 points%26gt;

Did you cash any points in for buffets? Is it still for new card holders only and the buffets need to be claimed quickly?

The ';deal'; doesn%26#39;t change often - it has changed in the past, and will again in the future. The old %26#39;deal'; lasted over a year, the current ';deal'; close.

No matter the CURRENT deal (why shout?) the best thing for you to do is contact the club when you arrive in LV and ask - at some point the deal will change overnight - you don%26#39;t want to get info today and not have it be accurate for your trip.

Many posted when the deal changed last time - were at Wynn the day of the current offer and were disappointed. I find Wynn promos last longer than some other properties - they seem to change with a higher rate of frequency.

Now, come on bridgefan, why couldn%26#39;t you have just given the useful information in your last paragraph without needing to write the first?

Are you ever just nice to people?

But hey, I%26#39;ll answer your question. I asked for and emphasised the word current so people wouldn%26#39;t just say, as they do so often on this forum, %26#39;this has been covered a lot, do a search%26#39;.

Also, you don%26#39;t know I%26#39;m not there right now or that someone who was there 30 minutes ago will be replying, thereby giving me perfectly timed information.

If you can be helpful and answer the questions I ask I%26#39;d absolutely love to hear from you, but if all you%26#39;ve got is a rude, unhelpful, unnecessary reply just please don%26#39;t bother, you%26#39;re just setting yourself up for more abuse like you got in another debate last week.

You know what, I%26#39;ve re-read what you wrote this time, and it wasn%26#39;t quite as I thought, so I apologise.

But my post still stands, because I think you know your replies are always negative and often no help, so please consider what I said.

In the meantime, everyone else, I%26#39;m still looking for the answers to my questions, and so backing up of the 125 points answer already suggested.


I%26#39;d like to know, too. I%26#39;m going next week with a friend who doesn%26#39;t have the Red Card, and if it%26#39;s worth it (a reasonable point accumulation to get two buffets) we%26#39;ll head up to the Wynn from MGM, where we%26#39;re staying. If not, we%26#39;ll probably hang around and play in the MGM area of the Strip instead of trekking all the way up to the Wynn.

When I was there last month when you signed up you got free play (10), some of them got extra free play for e mail and some did not I am not sure why. After accumulating uhm not sure 25 or 50 points you stand in line again to spin the wheel. What I can remember you could win 10 free play, 2 free buffets, 1000 free play and not sure what else. 3 people won 10 free play, 2 won free buffets. Hope that helps. I know you can earn 2 additional buffets and I think it was 200 or 250.

It was very very easy to earn points took less than an hour with very frugal players.

1) for new members only

2) I am not sure what this is asking exactly, Wynn has (as far as I know) always allocated 1 point for every $3 coin-in for slot machines and 1 point for every $9 coin-in for VP

3) I just called and the Red Card desk attendant told me that after 100 points you can spin a wheel and possibly win 2 buffets, otherwise it is 400 points for 2 buffets

4) see above, or call yourself 888-320-7107 (ask to be transferred to the Red Card)

The people are Wynn are extremely helpful and have the information you are looking for - sometimes it is best to try to use them as a resource since, as BF stated, the promotion does indeed change frequently.

also should add - if you are a new member the 400 points for the 2 buffets must be earned with 72 hours of signing up otherwise you are not considered a ';new'; member anymore

Since you are out of the country - perhaps save the phone number I listed and call to confirm once you are in one here will be able to tell you what the promotion will be, and if you are planning on taking advantage of a point special, best to know the information from the most accurate source!

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